News organisations sue Abeldane intelligence agency
Two micronational news agencies have sued the Reichsnachrichtendienst, the intelligence agency of the Empire of Abelden.
Two micronational news agencies have sued the Reichsnachrichtendienst, the intelligence agency of the Empire of Abelden.
Joshua Mullins, Attorney-General of Aenderia, has finally issued evidence pertaining to the sedition case against Aenderian Presydent Horatio Eden to the defense in the case.
The Kingdom of Sycamore has announced that it has ceased to recognise the Republic of Aenderia due to their lack of professionalism.
Former Abeldane Attorney-General Horatio Eden was restored to his post by Emperor Newton von Uberquie today after a constitutional amendment was ratified to allow him to take a seat in the legislature.
Former Democratic Aenderian presydential candidate Russell Gilzem has seceded from the Republic of Aenderia and formed the new nation of Auvenum, prompting the cancellation of the Aenderian presydential election and the formation of a new Aenderian government.
Former Aenderian Presydent and Democratic presydential candidate Russell Gilzem announced that he would illegally secede from the Republic of Aenderia if he is defeated in the Aenderian presydential election later this month.
Aenderian Acting Presydent Horatio Eden’s second attempt to have the sedition case brought against him dismissed has been rejected.
Uskorian High Queen Charlotte Katrínsdóttir has issued a writ of election for the Landtag, the Commonwealth of Uskor’s legislature.
Democratic Aenderian presydential candidate Russell Gilzem and Horatio Eden have submitted competing plans for what the Aenderian government should look like.
Anthony Clark, Chief Justice of Aenderia, has rejected a motion to dismiss with prejudice from Acting Presydent Horatio Eden that would have brought an end to the sedition case against him in the micronation.