Abeldane government establish Konmalehth Libraries
The Abeldane Government has established the Konmalehth Libraries, an attempt to create an Abeldane Wiki independent of the MicroWiki administration.
The Abeldane Government has established the Konmalehth Libraries, an attempt to create an Abeldane Wiki independent of the MicroWiki administration.
So far, the Libraries are very much in early access; the federal government has ported over pages from the MicroWiki wholesale, meaning file and template links required for them to function are not present, meaning the pages that have been ported are somewhat broken. The government acknowledges this, and maintains that it is still very much an in-progress effort.
It appears to be being spearheaded by Nicholas Kaos, who was appointed Chancellor of Abelden following Die Rechte’s victory in the Reichsversammlung elections on the 29th of September, and Steven Freayth, who won re-election as Vorsitzender on the 30th. Both were officially appointed to the government by Emperor Newton von Uberquie on the 1st of October.
It is unclear how wide a mandate the Libraries will take; it has ported information about previous federal elections, as well as government positions, to the new site. It is additionally unclear whether MicroWiki versions of the pages will continue to be updated in tandem or whether the government will move completely to the new site.